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Analysis of the pool water

Since ancient times, people strive to make their lives comfortable and beautiful , filling it with various benefits. One of the most ancient is water treatment . The modern civilized world gives a person the most diverse list of aquatic pleasures : this shower, bath , sauna , jacuzzi and, of course , the pool .


Currently pools got a lot of popularity . Ordinary citizens attend public pools, wealthier implement signs welfare as their own swimming pool , but for sure , all of them primarily driven by a craving for a healthy lifestyle.

Besides all the technical elements and structures , there is another factor, which is of great importance for the pool, and it's water quality. Water quality outdoor and indoor pools is carried out on the basis of analysis of the water and in accordance with established regulations.

In e ach pool  is  organized the  principle of water exchange  , before being fed into a bowl of water  disinfection has been trained , but even this does not guarantee that it remains in  satisfactory condition throughout the bathing sessions . Analysis of water suggests that all pollutants in origin can be divided into chemical and microbiological .

The main sources of chemical pollutants is poorly functioning purification system, the reagents, the internal surface of the pool, which accumulate dirt and rain, relevance of the problem which is typical for outdoor pools.

Microbiological contaminants of pool water include bacteria and microscopic algae. Some species of algae, particularly unicellular, are constantly in the air, and falling into the water, begin to multiply rapidly.

Others feel comfortable on the inner surfaces of the pool cleaning and filtration system, and confirmation analysis of pool water. Speaking about the bacteria, main supplier should be considered a person who brings in the water bath for 1 session about 30 thousand microorganisms.

Acting on the territory of the Russian Federation SanPin contains all the information that defines a series of activities for water quality control of the swimming pools or other purposes. 


Analysis of the of pool water is produced accredited sanitary-epidemiological laboratory on the set parameters. Indicators and frequency controlled researches are determined in accordance with the applicable water treatment processes.

Currently, there are a considerable number of ways to improve the quality of water in swimming pools (chlorination, ozonation, bromination, the use of UV radiation and a variety of cleaning systems). But as the analysis shows of pool water, the existing methods are able to protect the environment of bathers staying, but at the same time have a negative impact on the human body. 

Inefficient water treatment can cause burning of eyes, sore throat, skin irritation, hair color changes, allergies and poisoning.

Monitor the quality of water in swimming pools. Because swimming pools can be called a tool of pleasure, enjoyment, joy and good feeling. And all pleasant should not cloud unfortunate circumstances.

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